“Empire or Republic?”

 Question: For many years, Western scholars and academics within the mainstream were very reluctant to categorize U.S. foreign policy as being self-serving in any area, with the possible exception of national security. It was traditionally taught that democracy, world peace, and protecting human rights were central responsibilities of the American government. Critically analyze this perception by asking: Does American foreign policy do more harm than good in international relations? Sample Outline: (But feel free to design your outline any way you wish) I. Introduction / Thesis Statement – a brief statement outlining your position or something relevant about this issue. II. Body – the bulk of the paper is here, in data taken from the readings and other evidence you have found in support of your position. 1. Traditional perspectives a. The five components: national security, free markets, democracy, human rights, and world peace 2. Mainstream theorists a. Data from Kagan, Krauthammer, Mallaby, et. al. 3. Critical theorists a. Data from Selfa, Chomsky, Pfaff, Foster, et. al. III. Conclusion – based on the evidence you have gathered, your opinion on whether America’s foreign policy is based on selfish ends or selfless ends (or maybe both). Extras: 1. Again, make sure to include a citation every time you use a statement or an idea from the readings that I have provided, or that you found in your own independent research. THIS PAPER MUST BE DONE IN APA STYLE FORMAT.

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